
duminică, 13 octombrie 2013

The importance of family in a child's life

In the opinion of several researchers, youth deviant behavior has certain specific features:
• violation of laws and legal provisions which prohibit the commission of certain actions;
• expressions of behavior contrary to moral and social coexistence;
• the development of antisocial actions which endanger the safety of institutions and social groups, producing a sense of fear and insecurity of individuals;       
Also, juvenile deviant behavior has many forms, which may be mentioned: crimes and offenses, suicide, taking drugs, religious deviance, mental illness, physical disability. The worst forms of deviant behaviour are murder, rape and roguery.
In the view of psychologists there are many factors that can influence the occurrence of deviant behavior: individual internal factors and external social factors, but they considers that can be and cause bio-psycho-sociogene.
An important factor is family, which, according to researchers, may cause to child a deviant behaviour unless it provides an appropriate education. Family environment may present gaps very different the legal, social, moral, educational, related to situations like infidelity, desertion, divorce, concubinage, death, sexual vices, etc., not to mention the absence of a family environment, as for children orphaned, abandoned, in the public assistance.

It has evolved once with time more changes. If, before single – parent family was considered the most unfavorable to train and educate a child properly, today families with one parent is tied with other types of families.
Family factors that intervene in the formation of aggressive behavior are represented in particular parental behavior and namely deficiency associated with maternal affective model associated with lack of paternal behavior or abuse of authority of the latter. To these are added influences of family environment (conflicts between family members) lack of emotionality among them generating a violent behavior. A familial unbalanced devoid of emotionality, especially from the mother will generate adjustment disorder and communication at child in the social environment, disorder that can take the form of depression, autism, aggressions.
Behavior disorders of children include a wide range of events starting from feelings of guilt marked increased excitability, feelings of inferiority, until the crisis aggression, escape (that becomes vagabondage), mendacity, theft, and as a means of achieving antisocial acts are adult type, but like motivation are childish. It is also important to specify that most antisocial acts committed in group, at the induction of a minor age greater or intellectual development than others.

In childhood first contact oh the child is with his family. This chooses to assist him in life offering them as models to guide, education received in these years was, in the opinion of specialists, the most important. During this period the child take contact with the first people, learn to socialize, the father is like a model to follow, an idol. Nevertheless, models sometimes followed by the children are not suitable. Some of them are subjected to violence, become witnesses of domestic violence, have to attend to family quarrels, and some become victims of their parents. All these can cause minor deviant behavior such as suicide, smoking, drug, develop aggressive behavior towards other, become in the worst cases, thugs, rapists or robbers.

Researchers have found that certain characteristics of family may develop child deviant behavior in reaching a final to object to what is fair or legal for the simple reason that the family models were wrong.

(English is not my native language)

marți, 8 octombrie 2013

"Viața noastră este o viață organizațională!"

Fiecare dintre noi suntem intregrați, într-un mod sau altul, în diferite tipuri de organizații. Organizațiile fac parte integrantă din mediul în care trăim, muncim și ne relaxăm. Chiar dacă nu recunoaștem, ca oameni facem parte dintr-una sau mai multe organizații, care ne influențează într-o proporție covârșitoare modul de a trăi.
 De la familie până la slujbă, viața noastră este o viață organizațională. Legăturile noastre cu organizațiile sunt atât de profunde și inseparabile încât este suficient să ne gândim la variatele aspecte ale vieții personale care au fost influențate sau modelate de apartenența noastră la organizații. Felul în care muncim, invățăm, ne relaxăm, ne îmbrăcăm, mâncăm, și nu în ultimul rând felul în care gândim, toate astea se află sub semnul influenței organizațiilor. Influentându-ne viața, fie ea publică sau personală, uneori într-un mod copleșitor, organizațiile ajung, prin mecanisme mai mult sau mai puțin vizibile, să o și controleze.
Munca a devenit din ce in ce mai complicata incat un singur om nu o mai poate face singur de la inceput pana la sfarsit. Nu ne dam seama de acest fapt pentru ca existenta noastra implica diviziunea muncii, cooperare, specializare, in acest fel considerandu-le firesti.
Oamenii trebuie să coopereze, întrucât individul singular are o putere limitată de alegere și acțiune. Limitele sunt definite ca obstacole sau piedici care stau în calea dorinței acestuia de a face ceea ce și-a propus să facă.
De câte ori nu am încercat să facem ceva singuri și ne-am lovit de greutăți insurmontabile. Am apelat atunci la cei apropiați. La serviciu lucrurile stau la fel. Suntem prinși într-un labirint din care nu puten ieși fără colegi, subordonați, șefi etc. nu putem ieși fără să cooperăm.