
miercuri, 21 aprilie 2010

Eating Disorders Resources

                Bulimia is an obsession with food and weight characterized by repeated overeating binges followed by compensatory behavior, such as forced vomiting or excessive exercise. For an epidemic number of women and men, bulimia is a secret addiction that dominates their thoughts, undercuts their self-esteem, and threatens their lives. The symptoms are described by the Egyptians and in the Hebrew Talmud; and bulimia (Greek for “oxhunger”) was widely practiced during Greek and Roman times. In the later half of the twentieth century, though, eating disorders, and particularly bulimia, have been identified as widespread cultural phenomena. Bulimia is also termed bulimia nervosa and bulimarexia.
             Most individuals with bulimia are extremely secretive about their behavior, sometimes going to great lengths to maintain the appearance of normal eating around other people. They are ashamed of their behavior and what it has done to their lives. Many describe feeling like two people—one who wants to give it up and be healthy, and another who constantly sabotages. Lying and sneaking are common traits. Many people describe stealing food that they know belongs to other people or digging through the trash during particularly desperate episodes. (